Math K.5
Algebraic reasoning. The student applies mathematical process standards to identify the pattern in the number word list. The student is expected to recite numbers up to at least 100 by ones and tens beginning with any given number.
- Free Plan
Ten Frame Printable Templates
Use these printable ten frames in various math lessons to reinforce number sense and other essential skills.
- Free Plan
Number Sequencing to 100 - Worksheet
A raindrop themed place value worksheet to use when sequencing numbers to 100.
- Plus Plan
Ten More, Ten Less Within 100 - Cut and Paste Worksheet
Practice adding and subtracting 10 from given numbers within 100 in this cut-and-paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting Robot Strips - 2s, 5s, and 10s
A set of 12 skip counting robot strips to help students learn to skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s starting at any given number.
- Plus Plan
Missing Values Number Chart - 1–120
A black and white chart representing numbers 1-120.
- Free Plan
Black and White Number Chart 1–120
A black and white number chart showing the numbers 1-120.
- Free Plan
Kindergarten Counting 1-20 Matching Game
Use this matching game in your primary classroom to teach students to count quantities and match them to numbers (1-20).
- Plus Plan
Printable Skip Counting Worksheets and Charts
Practice and review skip counting by 2,3,4,5,and 10 with a pack of printable skip counting worksheets and anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Snakes and Ladders Game - Hundreds Chart
Complete each hundreds chart by putting the missing numbered pieces into place to play a game of Snakes and Ladders.
- Plus Plan
100 Chart Mystery Picture Puzzle
Practice identifying numbers within 100 with this set of 44 number cards and hundred chart.
- Free Plan
100th Day Snack Template
A template for students to use to count out 100 snack items!
- Plus Plan
One More, One Less Worksheet
Practice foundational addition and subtraction facts using the concepts of one more and one less.
- Plus Plan
One More, One Less - Worksheet
Practice foundational addition and subtraction facts using the concepts of one more and one less.
- Plus Plan
Missing Numbers – Task Cards
Practice counting by 1s forward and backward by completing number sequences with this set of 12 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Scoot and Count: Skip Counting by 10s
A set of 20 skip counting task cards to use as a whole-class scoot activity.
- Plus Plan
Dot-to-Dot Drawing - Counting by 1 - Caterpillar
A dot-to-dot worksheet to practice counting to 100 by 1's.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting Puzzles
Practice skip counting and identifying multiples of numbers with printable skip counting puzzles for kids.
- Plus Plan
What's Next? - Counting Task Cards
Practice counting forward and backward from numbers within 100 with this set of 16 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Dot-to-Dot Drawing - Counting by 1 - Elephant
A dot-to-dot worksheet to practice counting to 100.
- Plus Plan
0–30 in Numbers and Words - Posters
Posters showing 0–30 in standard and word form.
- Free Plan
Skip Counting by 10s Dominoes
A set of dominoes to use in the classroom when learning to skip count by 10.
- Plus Plan
Firefighter Color By Number Worksheet - Hundreds Chart
Print the perfect math activity for Fire Prevention Week with a printable firefighter hundreds chart color-by-number worksheet.
- Free Plan
Halloween Number-Word Matching Worksheet
Match numbers and number words with a pack of Halloween printable math worksheets for kindergarten.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Tracing Numbers Worksheets
Trace and write numbers to twenty with a set of spooky Halloween tracing numbers worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting Worksheets - Dot Day Activities
Use this cute caterpillar themed worksheet for your students to practice and improve their skip counting skills!
- Plus Plan
Counting by 1s Picture Puzzles
Use this fun sorting activity for your students to practice ordering numbers in sequential order starting at a number other than 1.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting by 10s I Have, Who Has Game
Use this fast-paced whole class game to help your students practise skip counting by tens.
- Plus Plan
Easter Basket Digital Math Center
Save time lesson planning in the lead up to Easter with this Easter-themed Digital Math Activity.
- Plus Plan
Number Recognition Worksheets - Sloth Color-by-Number
Provide your preschoolers with a fun color by number activity to practice number recognition, color recognition, and fine motor skills.
- Plus Plan
Touchdown Throwdown Number Recognition Game
Win the number recognition championship with a football-themed partner game!
- Plus Plan
Counting Forwards and Backwards Within 100 - Cut and Paste Worksheet
Practicing counting forwards and backward from a given number within 100 with this cut and paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Printables - Math Skip Counting Puzzles
Grab a set of 10 printable Christmas puzzles to help students skip count in the classroom.