Science 6.2(A)
plan and implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making observations, asking well defined questions, and using appropriate equipment and technology;
- Free Plan
Science Experiment Recording Sheet
A recording sheet to use when completing a Science experiment.
- Plus Plan
Design a Fair Test - Differentiated Experimental Design Worksheets
Use a differentiated experimental design worksheet to introduce your students to the concept of fair testing in science.
- Plus Plan
STEM Projects for Middle School - Challenge Cards
Use our Stem Projects for Middlle School Challenge Cards to inspire problem-solving and creative thinking.
- Plus Plan
Independent vs Dependent Variable Worksheet & Task Cards
Practice identifying independent and dependent variables with a printable worksheet and task cards.
- Plus Plan
Process Skills for Science Worksheet Pack
Improve your students' skills for science class with printable Scientific Process Skills Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Hypothesis Writing Practice Worksheet
Teach your students to write a hypothesis with a printable writing guide and a hypothesis-writing practice worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Science Lab Report Template
Use a Science Lab Report Template to help your students organize their findings in any scientific method lab experiment.
- Plus Plan
What is a Fair Test? Teaching Slides - 5th & 6th Grade
Teach your students about fair testing in science with an engaging 'What is a Fair Test? Teaching Slide Presentation.
- Plus Plan
Using the Scientific Method Practice Task Cards
Help your students design scientific method experiments with a set of printable Scientific Method Practice Task Cards.
- Plus Plan
Scientific Method Bulletin Board Set
Use a Scientific Method Bulletin Board set to introduce your students to the steps in the scientific process.
- Plus Plan
Foldable Scientific Method Graphic Organizer Pack
Use a foldable Scientific Method Graphic Organizer to help your students organize their learning about the scientific process.
- Plus Plan
Scientific Method Flip Book Template
Create a Scientific Method Flip Book to record scientific predictions, observations, and conclusions with a printable science flip book template.
- Plus Plan
Scientific Investigation Scenarios - Sorting Activity
Analyze scientific investigation scenarios to determine which stage in the scientific method is being described with a printable Scientific Method Sorting Activity.
- Plus Plan
Writing a Scientific Hypothesis - Lesson Slides
Teach your students how to write a scientific hypothesis with an interactive slide deck and hypothesis writing practice activity.
- Plus Plan
Severe Weather STEM - Build a Storm Shelter Project
Design a storm shelter to protect against wind and rain with a hands-on Weather Stem Challenge.
- Plus Plan
Experimental Design Worksheet - Scientific Method Cut and Paste
Sequence the steps in the scientific method with a pair of differentiated Experimental Design Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
STEM Challenge Graphic Organizer - Upper Grades
Use this STEM Challenge Planning sheet with to keep your students on task and organized when completing STEM challenges.