Social Studies 3.9(B)
identify figures such as Helen Keller, Clara Barton, and Ruby Bridges who exemplify good citizenship;
- Free Plan
Black History Profile: Shirley Chisholm - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on Congresswoman and first Black presidential candidate Shirley Chisholm, and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Amelia Boynton - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on civil rights activist Amelia Boynton and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile Poster Pack for the Classroom
Print a Black History poster pack for the classroom, to introduce your students to revered Black icons and the impacts their contributions have made to American history.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Carol Moseley Braun - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on Illinois Senator Carol Moseley Braun and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Thomas Mundy Peterson - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on history-maker Thomas Mundy Peterson and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Barack Obama - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on the first African American President of the United States, and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Kamala Harris - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on Vice President Kamala Harris and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile - Picture Match Activity
Review and complete the defining details of 6 revered Black icons and match their images with each completed biography.