Technology 3-5.5
Digital citizenship. The student practices safe, responsible, legal, and ethical behavior while using digital tools and resources. The student is expected to:
- (1) adhere to acceptable use policies reflecting
positive social behavior in the digital environment;
- (A) respect the intellectual property of others;
- (B) abide by copyright law and the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia;
- (C) protect and honor the individual privacy of oneself and others;
- (D) follow the rules of digital etiquette;
- (E) practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology; and
- (F) comply with fair use guidelines and digital safety rules.
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teaching resources for those 'aha' moments
- Plus Plan
Using Google Classroom – Teaching Presentation
Teach students how to use Google Classroom with this 15-slide interactive presentation.
- Plus Plan
Cybersafety Poster - Keep Your Details Safe
Remind students of appropriate behaviors in a digital environment with this cyber safety poster.
- Free Plan
Cybersafety Poster - Know the Rules
Help your students understand correct online behavior with this cyber safety poster.
- Plus Plan
Online Safety Poster
A poster giving students information on how to stay safe online.
- Plus Plan
Virtual Meeting Must-Haves – Resource Pack
A collection of resources to use when teaching skills for virtual learning and meetings.