Contributing to healthy and active communities
Based on the Australian Curriculum, Contributing to healthy and active communities in Health and Physical Education includes:
- ACPPS022 Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place
- ACPPS023 Identify and explore natural and built environments in the local community where physical activity can take place
- ACPPS024 Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected
- Free Plan
Tattling vs Telling Worksheet
Explore the differences between ‘tattling’ and ‘telling’ with this simple worksheet.
- Plus Plan
International Women's Day Gender Ground Rules – Comic
A two-page comic that shows an example of a gender stereotype about learning abilities.
- Plus Plan
International Women's Day Gender Ground Rules – Task Cards
A set of literacy rotation task cards to be used in conjunction with the International Women's Day comic Gender Ground Rules.
- Plus Plan
Are We There Yet? — Growth Mindset Posters
Print thse large growth mindset posters to help students learn to work more resourcefully and independently in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Growth Mindset Captain Yet: Yet vs Nup – Poster
A classroom display poster which compares positive and negative learning attitudes to help students focus on positive learning habits.
- Plus Plan
Tattling vs Telling Sorting Activity
Explore the differences between 'tattling' and 'telling' with this hands-on sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Tattling vs Telling Teaching Presentation
Teach your students the difference between ‘tattling’ and ‘telling’ with this comprehensive teaching presentation.
- Free Plan
Tattling vs Telling Poster
Teach your students the difference between ‘tattling’ and ‘telling’ with this classroom display poster.
- Plus Plan
Are We There Yet? Captain Yet's Joyous Journey – Poster
A Captain Yet poster to help students learn more resourcefully and independently in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Captain Yet: Pirate Nup's Odyssey It's Not Over Yet – Poster
A Captain Yet poster to help students learn more resourcefully and independently in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Captain Yet – Values Poster
A classroom display poster to help students focus on positive learning habits.
- Plus Plan
Captain Yet – Growth Mindset Resource Pack
A collection of Captain Yet resources themed around helping students to overcome their learning challenges.
- Plus Plan
Personal Space – Social Story Video
This social story video reminds students to allow others to maintain some personal space.
- Plus Plan
Keeping My Hands and Feet to Myself – Social Story Video
This social story video reminds students of the importance of keeping their hands and feet to themselves.