Being healthy, safe and active
Based on the Australian Curriculum, Being healthy, safe and active in Health and Physical Education includes:
- ACPPS036 Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing
- ACPPS035 Describe and apply strategies that can be used in situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe
- ACPPS034 Explore strategies to manage physical, social and emotional change
- ACPPS033 Explore how success, challenge and failure strengthen identities
- Plus Plan
Resilience Word Search
Use this resilience word search to immerse your students in the key vocabulary related to this important social-emotional skill.
- Free Plan
Social Strategies Task Cards
A teaching resource to help students strategise solutions to problems around mental health and social well being
- Plus Plan
Wellbeing Self-Reflection Prompts PowerPoint
Make mental wellness check-ins a regular part of your day with our collection of 50 student self-reflection prompts.
- Plus Plan
The Pillars of Perseverance – Bulletin Board Display
Teach students the definition of perseverance with this beautifully designed classroom display based on a rock climbing theme.
- Plus Plan
Comic – Peer Politics: In Sync – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for a comic about encouraging people and their passions regardless of their gender.
- Free Plan
Resilience Writing Prompts
Use this set of resilience writing prompts to help your students reflect upon times they have observed resilience in themselves and others.
- Free Plan
Positive Self-Talk Poster
Encourage your students to use positive self-talk on a daily basis with this motivational classroom poster.
- Free Plan
What's Your Mindset Level? - Poster
Encourage your students to adopt a growth mindset with this engaging classroom poster.
- Plus Plan
Healthy Eating - Eat Well Guide Poster
Use this guide to help you achieve a healthy, balanced diet.
- Free Plan
Dealing with Bullying Board Game
A fun board game for students to play when encouraging the use of resilience strategies.
- Plus Plan
Resilience or Not? Interactive Sorting Activity
Explore examples of resilience by playing this interactive sorting game perfect for your social-emotional learning lessons.
- Plus Plan
What Is Perseverance? Teaching Slides
Teach your students perseverance strategies with this comprehensive slideshow perfect for your social-emotional learning lessons.
- Free Plan
Personalised Positive Self-Talk Statements - Worksheet
Face challenges with positivity and a growth mindset by compiling a personalised list of positive self-talk statements.
- Free Plan
Self-Perception Worksheet
Identify strengths and areas of growth by asking students to reflect on their self-image, self-esteem, and ideal self.
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park: Burger Bar Backlash – Project
A project in which students get to reinvent a theme park burger bar to make it more inclusive of different dietary requirements.
- Free Plan
Self-awareness Template
A template for students to use when exploring aspects of their personality.
- Plus Plan
Recess Rules: The More the Merrier – Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for a comic about the importance of making a variety of friendships.
- Plus Plan
Colossal Cinemas – Task Cards
54 activity task cards based on the Colossal Cinemas stimulus poster.
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park Stimulus – Task Cards
103 activity task cards based on the Five Wonders Theme Park stimulus posters.
- Plus Plan
Bullying Role Play Cards
Equip students with anti-bullying strategies with printable role play cards that will help them recognise and respond to different types of bullying.
- Plus Plan
Dealing with Bullying Poster
A poster to display in the classroom to encourage students to use the five Tool Kit resilience strategies.
- Plus Plan
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Statements - Worksheet
Assess student understanding about the different statements that one might say to distinguish between having a growth or fixed mindset.
- Plus Plan
Resilience or Not? Scenario Task Cards
Get students to explore real-life examples of resilience with this set of 16 scenario cards perfect for developing students' social-emotional skills.
- Plus Plan
What Is Resilience? Teaching Slides
Teach your students the meaning of resilience with this age-appropriate slide deck perfect for your social-emotional learning lessons.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Resilience Worksheets
Explore what resilience looks like and sounds like with your students with this set of three worksheets perfect for your social-emotional learning lessons.
- Plus Plan
Becoming Resilient Mini-Book
Use this printable resilience book to teach your students what resilience means and how it can be used as a tool in their everyday lives.
- Plus Plan
Positive Self-Talk Writing Prompts (Teaching Slides)
Use this set of 15 positive self-talk scenarios as writing prompts to expand your students ability to be kind to themselves!
- Plus Plan
Positive Self-Talk Worksheet
Encourage students to analyse their individual self-talk practices and establish a growth mindset with this personal assessment worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Peer Pressure Poster
Give your students strategies to deal with peer pressure by displaying and reviewing the tips on this classroom poster.
- Plus Plan
Positive Self Talk Poster: Talking to Myself
Highlight the benefits of positive self talk and having a growth mindset with this classroom poster.
- Plus Plan
Perseverance or Not? Scenario Cards
Get students to explore real-life examples of perseverance with this set of 16 scenario cards perfect for developing students' social-emotional skills.
- Plus Plan
Perseverance Strategies Mini-Book
Teach your students perseverance strategies with this printable mini-book perfect for primary students!