Stage 1
- Plus Plan
Water is Life - Instructional PowerPoint
Learn about the importance of water to life on Earth, along with where water comes from, with an instructional slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Water Cycle Diagram
Display this water cycle diagram when teaching about the continuous movement of water above and on the surface of the Earth.
- Free Plan
How About This Weather? - Worksheet
Explore different types of weather and subsequent observable changes with this 5-page worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Old vs New Communication Devices - Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity for students to identify old and new communication devices.
- Free Plan
Rain Cloud in a Jar Experiment
Use this science experiment when learning about the different types and features of clouds and how they contribute to the water cycle.
- Plus Plan
Day and Night Cycle Poster
Display information about Earth’s day and night cycle with this colourful science poster.
- Plus Plan
Moon Phases – Cut and Paste Activity
Create a diagram showing the different moon phases and their names with this cut-and-paste activity sheet.
- Free Plan
Moon Phases Diagram
Learn the phases of the moon in the southern hemisphere with this set of two posters.
- Free Plan
Blank Algorithm Grid - Black and White
An activity for students to use when learning about algorithms (directions).
- Plus Plan
Cut and Paste Algorithm Grid - Black and White
An activity for students to use when learning about algorithms (directions).
- Plus Plan
Sound Research Science Experiment for Kids
Immerse your students in an auditory adventure, exploring sound energy with this engaging experiment.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Line Up the Light!
A science experiment which explores how light travels.
- Plus Plan
Cloud Graphing Activity
A worksheet to use when graphing cloud observations.
- Plus Plan
Cut and Paste Algorithm Grid - Colour
An activity for students to use when learning about algorithms (directions).
- Plus Plan
Comparing Life Stages Worksheet
An open-ended task for students to demonstrate their understanding of how animals grow and change.
- Plus Plan
Grade One Seasons Worksheet
Set this seasons worksheet as a task for your Grade Ones to show their knowledge of the seasons' names and their order.
- Free Plan
Storm's a Comin' - Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring sound in science or music.
- Free Plan
Object Material Investigation Worksheet
A worksheet for investigating the materials certain objects are made from.
- Plus Plan
Seasons and Months Posters
Use these four months and the seasons posters to help your students to learn the seasons and their corresponding months.
- Free Plan
Seasons in the Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere Poster
Use these posters in the classroom to give students a visual representation of the seasons (and which months they inlcude in both the Northern Hemishpere and the Southern Hemisphere).
- Plus Plan
Sequencing Life Cycles Worksheet
An activity for students to use when learning about life cycles.
- Free Plan
Technology Workstation Worksheet - Desktop Computer
A worksheet for students to label the key components of a desktop computer workstation.
- Plus Plan
Frog Life Cycle Sort
Help your students concrete their understanding of the frog life cycle with this interactive game.
- Plus Plan
The Seasons Around the World Posters and Worksheet
Teach about the Earth's rotation around the sun and the corresponding seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres with this 2-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Let the Sun Shine In! - Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring the sun as a light source.
- Plus Plan
Data Match-Up Cards (Set 3)
A match-up activity for students to use when exploring data.
- Plus Plan
All About Clouds – Teaching Presentation
Teach your students about the different types of clouds with this 19-slide teaching presentation.
- Free Plan
Water Cycle Words - Illustrated Word Wall
Boost vocabulary skills and understanding with an illustrated water cycle word wall.
- Plus Plan
My Life Stages 'Lift the Flap' Template
A template to use when learning about human life stages.
- Plus Plan
Seasonal Changes Worksheet
A worksheet the explores the observable features of the seasons.
- Plus Plan
Day and Night, Night and Day Worksheet
Compare day and night with this one-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Word Processing Activity Cards
16 activity cards for students to use to practise their word processing skills.