partition and combine collections up to 10 using part-part-whole relationships and subitising to recognise and name the parts
- recognising numbers represented in physical or virtual ten-frames, and describing their reasoning: ‘It’s 7 because there is 5 there and 2 more’
- partitioning collections of up to 10 objects in different ways and saying the part-part-whole relationship; for example, partitioning a collection of 6 counters into 4 counters and 2 counters and saying, ‘6 is 4 and 2 more, it’s 2 and 4’, then partitioning the same collection into 5 and 1 or 3 and 3
- representing part-part-whole relationships in numbers up to 10 using physical or virtual materials; for example, identifying numbers represented by dots in standard number configurations such as on dominoes and dice by recognising parts that form the whole
- exploring number groupings in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ counting systems and the different ways of representing these groupings to form and partition numbers, applying this to quantify collections of objects in the environment on Country/Place up to 10
- Plus Plan
Ten Frame Printable Templates
Use these printable ten frames in various math lessons to reinforce number sense and other essential skills.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Dice - Numbers 1 to 9
Practise subitising to 9 with your students using this versatile set of dice flashcards.
- Plus Plan
Part-Part-Whole - Addition and Subtraction Teaching Presentation
Teach your students how to effectively use a bar model to solve 1-digit addition and subtraction number facts using the part-part-whole strategy.
- Plus Plan
Number and Place Value Worksheets - Foundation
10 number and place value worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Worksheets Variety Pack
Incorporate these subitising worksheets into your lessons to give your students practise subitising collections up to 12.
- Plus Plan
Representations of Numbers 1-20 Flashcards
Practise representations of numbers 1 - 20 in your classroom with this versatile set of flashcards.
- Plus Plan
Subitising to 10 Teaching Slides
Display our Subitising to 10 Teaching Slides to encourage mathematical discussions in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Small Collections PowerPoint
Teach your students to subitise with this editable set of teaching slides.
- Free Plan
Subitising Assessment Pack
Utilise our Subitising Assessment Pack to test your students' ability to subitise quantities up to 10.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Game — Memory
Use this subitising game to help your students learn to quickly subitise numbers 1 - 12.
- Free Plan
Lady Beetle Adding Activity
A fun and simple adding activity to consolidate simple addition.
- Free Plan
Subitising Dominoes
Use these subitising dominoes to give your students practise subitising small collections of objects.
- Free Plan
Subitising to 10 Worksheet
Practise subitising to 10 with your students using this printable worksheet set.
- Plus Plan
Apple Tree Addition and Subtraction Mat
Solve addition and subtraction problems up to 10 with a hands-on apple maths centre.
- Plus Plan
Subitising “Construct-a-City” Activity
Utilise this hands-on subitising activity to help your students learn to subitise to 5 and beyond.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Games — Leapfrog!
Play this subitising game in your classroom to help your students practise subitising small collections.
- Plus Plan
Numbers to 30 - Printable Tens Frames
Use a printable ten frame when working on counting, addition and subtraction, odd and even numbers, or place value.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Dots Worksheets
Utilise these Subitising Dots Worksheets to help your students learn many ways to subitise to 10.
- Plus Plan
Subitise This! – Lesson Warm-up
Use this subtising presentation as a quick warm-up before your lessons.
- Plus Plan
Subitising to 10 Interactive Task Cards
Practise subitising to 10 with these varied and engaging interactive task cards.
- Plus Plan
Subitise Battle – Card Game
Quickly subitise and compare with this fast-paced card game.
- Plus Plan
Cover Up! — Subitising Numbers Game
Use this subitising game to help your students instantly recognise the numbers 1 - 6.
- Plus Plan
Search and Find – Back to School
Start the school year with a fun Search and Find maths activity for Year 1 students.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Game - Slap It!
Help students strengthen subitsing skills with this multiplayer maths card game!
- Plus Plan
Autumn Counting to 10 Clip Cards
Practice counting objects with 18 autumn-themed counting to ten clip cards.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 1–10 Dominoes
A set of dominoes to consolidate students’ understanding of number from 1–10.
- Plus Plan
Addition Mats
A set of three working mats to explore simple addition.
- Plus Plan
Classroom Display for Numbers 1 - 10
Utilise this classroom display to help your students recognise multiple representations of the numbers 1 - 10.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Aquarium – Sorting Activity
Practise recognising the quantity of a small group of objects with this subitising sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Foundation Numeracy Exit Tickets – Worksheets
18 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Plus Plan
Subitise to 10 Task Cards — Number Talks
Help your students subitise to 10 and beyond with these number talk task cards.
- Plus Plan
I Can Count - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to practise counting up to 10 objects.