represent practical situations that involve equal sharing and grouping with physical and virtual materials and use counting or subitising strategies
- using materials to role-play equal sharing; for example, sharing pieces of fruit or a bunch of grapes between 4 people and discussing how you would know they have been shared equally; or, when playing card games where each player is dealt the same number of cards, counting the number of cards after the deal to ensure they have the same amount
- representing situations that involve counting several items; for example, starting with 9 beads or 6 $1 coins and then sharing them equally between 3 people by subitising or counting each group by ones to decide how many beads or coins each person will receive
- exploring instructive games of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples that involve sharing; for example, playing Yangamini of the Tiwi Peoples of Bathurst Island to investigate and discuss equal sharing
- Plus Plan
Single Digit Addition and Subtraction Worksheets
Share these single digit addition and subtraction worksheets with your foundation students to give them practice adding and subtracting with a wide variety of representations.
- Plus Plan
Tens Frame - Addition and Subtraction Match-Up Activity
Build addition and subtraction skills with two tens frame matching games.
- Plus Plan
Rainbow Numbers Poster
A poster showing rainbow numbers, or fact families to ten.
- Free Plan
Lady Beetle Adding Activity
A fun and simple adding activity to consolidate simple addition.
- Plus Plan
Rainbow Numbers Worksheet
A worksheet using rainbow numbers.
- Plus Plan
Apple Tree Addition and Subtraction Mat
Solve addition and subtraction problems up to 10 with a hands-on apple maths centre.
- Plus Plan
Number and Place Value Worksheets - Foundation
10 number and place value worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Picture Addition Worksheet
A worksheet consolidating students' understanding of combining groups of items.
- Plus Plan
Equation Tails Active Learning
A whole class active game that encourages learning through a physical setting.
- Free Plan
Making Ten Activity Mat
A template that encourages students to demonstrate multiple ways to make 10.
- Plus Plan
Easter Maths Digital Activities
Have some Easter fun + practise maths topics.
- Plus Plan
Pandora's Party Palace Maths Activity – Lower Years
16 mathematics problem solving task cards involving money in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Adding and Subtracting Within 10 - Word Problem Task Cards
Solve word problems practising addition and subtraction to ten with a set of printable task cards.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction to 10 Modelling Mats
A hands-on resource to enable your students to practise simple addition and subtraction using concrete materials.
- Plus Plan
Foundation Numeracy Exit Tickets – Worksheets
18 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Plus Plan
Friends of... 1 to 10 - BW
A set of 10 posters showing how different combinations of numbers connect to make the same number.
- Plus Plan
1-10 Addition Flashcards - Stars (Horizontal)
One hundred and one addition flashcards with numbers 0-10.
- Plus Plan
Rainbow Number Fact Cards
Practise rainbow facts with these fun fact families to ten posters for your classroom!
- Plus Plan
1-10 Addition Flashcards - Monsters (Vertical)
One hundred and one addition flashcards with numbers 0-10.
- Plus Plan
Ice Cream Addition Activity
A cute ice cream-themed addition activity.
- Plus Plan
Teddy Tables – Addition and Sharing Game
A hands-on maths game that focuses on practical addition using teddy bear counters.
- Plus Plan
Addition Mats
A set of three working mats to explore simple addition.
- Plus Plan
1-10 Addition Flashcards - Stars BW (Horizontal)
One hundred and one addition flashcards with numbers 0-10.
- Plus Plan
1-10 Addition Flashcards - Owls (Vertical)
One hundred and one addition flashcards with numbers 0-10.