The principal focus of science teaching in lower key stage 2 is to enable pupils to broaden their scientific view of the world around them. They should do this through exploring, talking about, testing and developing ideas about everyday phenomena and the relationships between living things and familiar environments, and by beginning to develop their ideas about functions, relationships and interactions. They should ask their own questions about what they observe and make some decisions about which types of scientific enquiry are likely to be the best ways of answering them, including observing changes over time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying things, carrying out simple comparative and fair tests and finding things out using secondary sources of information. They should draw simple conclusions and use some scientific language, first, to talk about and, later, to write about what they have found out.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment Recording Sheet
A recording sheet to use when completing a Science experiment.
- Plus Plan
Facts of the Matter PowerPoint Presentation
A 22 slide editable PowerPoint to use when teaching your students about the states of matter in Science.
- Plus Plan
Plant Growth Chart Worksheet
A worksheet for students to record the growth and changes in a plant over time.
- Plus Plan
Sedimentary Rock Formation Poster
A poster explaining the processes that lead to the formation of sedimentary rocks.
- Plus Plan
Classifying Vertebrates Flow Chart Poster
A poster that can be used to help classify vertebrates.
- Plus Plan
Forces and Motion Word Wall Vocabulary
Fifty-seven forces and motion related vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
How to Save Water Poster
A poster highlighting different ways to save water.
- Plus Plan
Types of Rocks Posters
Teach your students information about the three basic types of rock with a set of printable Types of Rocks Anchor Charts.
- Plus Plan
Plant and Animal Adaptations – Word Wall Vocabulary
A set of vocabulary words relating to adaptation and evolution.
- Plus Plan
Garden Design Project
Your students' task is to develop their own plan for a garden.
- Plus Plan
How We Grow and Change - Sequencing Activity
A sequencing activity to use when learning about growth and change.
- Plus Plan
Vertebrates and Invertebrates Posters
A set of educational posters featuring the basic differences between vertebrates and invertebrates.
- Plus Plan
Minibeasts - Title Poster
A poster to use on your 'Minibeasts' display board.
- Plus Plan
Blue Whale Endangered Animal Poster
A poster showing information regarding the status of blue whales.
- Plus Plan
Water Display Banner
A classroom display banner to use on your 'Water' display board.
- Plus Plan
Animal Classification Posters – All
A set of 5 posters featuring basic animal classifications.
- Plus Plan
Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sort
A sorting activity that requires students to identify renewable and non-renewable forms of energy.
- Plus Plan
Respiratory System Word Wall Vocabulary
A set of word wall cards with respiratory system vocabulary.
- Plus Plan
Plant Life Cycle Poster
A poster showing the continuous life cycle of a plant.
- Plus Plan
The Human Skeletal System Worksheet
A worksheet to consolidate students’ understanding of some of the main bones in the human body.
- Plus Plan
Vertebrates and Invertebrates Animal Classification Poster
A poster that classifies a selection of vertebrates and invertebrates.
- Plus Plan
Geographic Landforms Features Poster and Worksheet
A poster showing the different types of geographic features of Earth.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment – How Long Will It Take to Melt?
A science experiment which explores the change of state from solid to liquid.
- Plus Plan
States of Matter Properties Venn Diagram
A cut and paste activity that explores the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
- Plus Plan
Colours of the Rainbow Poster
Teach the order of colours in the rainbow with this classroom poster and worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Amphibians vs Reptiles Worksheet Pack
Compare Amphibians vs. Reptiles and their characteristics with our printable animal comparison worksheets.
- Free Plan
Bird Word Wall Vocabulary
Sixty-three bird related vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Jack's Garden - Science Experiment
A Jack and the Beanstalk themed Science activity.
- Plus Plan
Melting and Freezing - Worksheet
An activity to demonstrate how a change of state between solid and liquid (and back again) can be caused by adding or removing heat.
- Plus Plan
Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases – Worksheet
A cut and paste activity that explores the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
- Plus Plan
Solids, Liquids and Gases – Sorting Activity
A sorting activity to help students identify solids, liquids and gases.
- Plus Plan
States of Matter Experiment Worksheet
An experiment mixing a solid with a liquid to create a gas.