States of matter
- Plus Plan
Facts of the Matter PowerPoint Presentation
A 22 slide editable PowerPoint to use when teaching your students about the states of matter in Science.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment – How Long Will It Take to Melt?
A science experiment which explores the change of state from solid to liquid.
- Plus Plan
States of Matter Properties Venn Diagram
A cut and paste activity that explores the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
- Plus Plan
Melting and Freezing - Worksheet
An activity to demonstrate how a change of state between solid and liquid (and back again) can be caused by adding or removing heat.
- Plus Plan
Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases – Worksheet
A cut and paste activity that explores the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
- Plus Plan
Solids, Liquids and Gases – Sorting Activity
A sorting activity to help students identify solids, liquids and gases.
- Plus Plan
States of Matter Experiment Worksheet
An experiment mixing a solid with a liquid to create a gas.
- Plus Plan
Pure Substances and Mixtures Science PowerPoint
A 30 slide editable PowerPoint Template for teaching a chemistry unit on pure substances, mixtures and separating techniques.
- Plus Plan
Changing States of Matter Worksheet
A worksheet based on the changing states of matter.
- Plus Plan
The Gas Has Mass Task Cards
A set of four task cards that explores the physical properties of gases.
- Plus Plan
States of Matter Poster
A poster that displays the three states of matter, their properties and the processes for changing states.
- Plus Plan
What's the Matter? Worksheet
A worksheet for students to record what they know about matter.
- Plus Plan
The State of Matter Worksheet
A worksheet that helps students classify a substance's state of matter by observing changes to its properties.
- Plus Plan
Periodic Table of the Elements Posters
A bright and informative Periodic Table of the Elements poster.
- Plus Plan
Science Page Border (Landscape) – Word Template
Microsoft Word page border template with a Science theme.
- Plus Plan
Science Page Border - Word Template
Microsoft Word page border template with a Science theme.
- Plus Plan
The Heat is On Worksheet
A worksheet to consolidate your students' understanding of heat energy.
- Plus Plan
States of Matter Word Wall Vocabulary
Thirty-three matter related vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Phase Changes of Matter Poster
A poster showing the phase changes of matter.
- Plus Plan
States of Matter Poster
A poster showing the States of Matter.
- Plus Plan
Conductors and Insulators Poster
A poster highlighting conductors and insulators of heat energy.
- Plus Plan
What is Hot? Blank Posters
A poster to use when exploring the concept of heat.
- Plus Plan
What is Hot? Poster with Images
A poster to use when exploring the concept of heat.
- Plus Plan
What is Hot? Poster (with Images and Text)
A poster to use when exploring the concept of heat.
- Plus Plan
When Winter Comes - Keeping Warm Worksheet
A poem to activate students' prior knowledge about keeping warm.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Keeping Out the Heat
A science experiment which investigates which material is the best insulator of heat.
- Plus Plan
Understanding States of Matter Worksheet
A worksheet that allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of solids, liquids and gases.
- Plus Plan
What is Heat? Worksheet
A worksheet to help students understand heat energy.
- Plus Plan
Heat Transference Worksheet
A worksheet to help students identify examples of heat transference.
- Plus Plan
Science Themed Colourful Page Borders
A set of ten science themed page borders for use as decoration or classroom group posters.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Feel the Heat
A science experiment which investigates which material is the best conductor of heat.
- Plus Plan
Moving Heat Worksheet
A worksheet to help students understand how heat moves.