Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g., 8 + 6 = 8 + 2 + 4 = 10 + 4 = 14); decomposing a number leading to a ten (e.g., 13 - 4 = 13 - 3 - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9); using the relationship between addition and subtraction (e.g., knowing that 8 + 4 = 12, one knows 12 - 8 = 4); and creating equivalent but easier or known sums (e.g., adding 6 + 7 by creating the known equivalent 6 + 6 + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13).
- Free Plan
Roll It! Operations Game
Use this fun game to practice all four operations and/or order of operations.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Math Blast Off - Addition and Subtraction
Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction fact families with a fun cut and sort activity.
- Plus Plan
Tens Frame - Addition and Subtraction Match-Up Activity
Build addition and subtraction skills with two tens frame matching games.
- Free Plan
Making Ten Activity
Practice making 10 using objects, pictorial models, and number sentences with this activity mat.
- Plus Plan
Double Dinos - Using Doubles Facts to Add Near Doubles Worksheet
Practice the “near doubles” addition strategy to solve addition problems to 20.
- Free Plan
Decomposing Numbers – Word Problem Worksheet
Challenge students to decompose numbers presented in a word problem by rearranging the parts and showing different combinations.
- Free Plan
Making 10 Number Bonds - Worksheet
A worksheet to practice the addition strategy of making 10.
- Plus Plan
Simple Addition Riddle Worksheet
Download this simple addition worksheet to provide your students with practice adding one- and two-digit numbers.
- Free Plan
Addition Strategies Cheat Sheet
Help students understand the different addition strategies with this helpful cheat sheet.
- Free Plan
Bump! Subtraction to 10 Math Game
Practice subtraction facts to 10 with a fun printable subtraction board game.
- Plus Plan
Secret Code Number Line - Worksheet
Crack the number line code with five number line codebreaker worksheets to practice number identification, addition, and subtraction.
- Plus Plan
Back to School Supply Shopping Task - Primary Grades
Calculate the cost of school supplies and answer questions with this back-to-school math activity.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Fluency to 20 Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 24 task cards.
- Free Plan
Fact Family Find and Flip - Addition and Subtraction Up to 20
Addition and subtraction game cards demonstrating the relationship between fact families.
- Plus Plan
Addition Strategy: Counting On – Worksheet
Practice the “counting on” addition strategy to solve addition problems to 20.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction Fact Fluency Assessments
Assess and track subtraction fact fluency with a printable Math Fact Fluency program for subtraction facts.
- Plus Plan
Missing Addend to 10 Flashcards
Practice all the ways to make ten with this set of flashcards.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction within 20 – Number Bond Worksheet
Practice subtraction strategies, including number bonds and picture models, with a printable subtraction worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction Strategy Work Mats
Practice using a variety of subtraction strategies to solve problems with a set of printable subtraction work mats.
- Plus Plan
Composing and Decomposing Numbers - Instructional Slide Deck
Introduce composing and decomposing numbers to your students with this instructional slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Addition Worm – Worksheet
A set of differentiated addition worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Addition Up To 20 - Monster Matchup Cards
A set of matchup cards to practice adding within 20.
- Plus Plan
Rainbow Numbers Worksheet
A worksheet using rainbow numbers.
- Free Plan
Doubles Plus One - Grid Game
Practice the doubles plus one addition strategy with this dice game.
- Plus Plan
Friends of 10 Addition Poster Bundle
Print the ultimate Friends of 10 poster bundle with 10 printable classroom posters designed to show students how different combinations of numbers connect to make the same number.
- Plus Plan
Addition Fact Timed Tests & Trackers
Assess and track addition fact fluency with a printable Math Drill Worksheet pack for addition facts.
- Plus Plan
Addition to 20 Activity - Winter Math Puzzle for 1st Grade
Practice addition facts up to 20 with a printable winter math puzzle for kindergarten and first-grade students.
- Plus Plan
Part Part Whole Word Problem Task Cards and Worksheet
Explore these animal-themed part-part-whole word problems that will open discussions with your young mathematicians.
- Plus Plan
Bridge to Ten Addition Strategy Task Cards
Help students quickly bridge to ten to assist with their addition strategies using linking cubes.
- Free Plan
Find 20 Addition Strategy Task Cards
Practice finding 20 with this set of linking cube task cards.
- Plus Plan
Addition within 20 Interactive Resource
Practice solving one-digit and two-digit addition problems using a variety of addition strategies with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Work Mat
Practice addition and subtraction concepts daily with a printable work mat for students.