Bar Graphs Teaching Resources for 2nd Grade
- Plus Plan
Spin, Tally, Graph and Interpret Data – Task Card Activity
Guide your students to collect data, make tally marks, create a bar graph and analyze data with this math activity designed for 1st and 2nd-grade students.
- Plus Plan
Creating a Bar Graph – Worksheet
Interpret data and create bar graphs with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Interpreting a Bar Graph – Worksheet
Interpret information from a bar graph and answer questions with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Analyzing Graphs (Scaled Intervals) – Board Game
Use this board game to sharpen data analysis skills when solving problems with information presented in a scaled picture graph and bar graph.
- Plus Plan
Analyzing Graphs (Single-Unit Intervals) – Board Game
Use this board game to sharpen data analysis skills when solving problems with information presented in a single-unit picture graph and bar graph.
- Plus Plan
Bar Graphs – Instructional Slide Deck
Learn about the features and how to create a bar graph with this 25-page instructional slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Draw a Bar Graph and Pictograph Task Cards (Single-Unit Intervals)
Practice drawing single-unit bar graphs and pictographs with this set of task cards.
- Plus Plan
Draw a Bar Graph and Pictograph (Scaled Intervals) – Task Cards
Practice drawing scaled bar graphs and pictographs with this set of task cards.
- Plus Plan
Analyzing Graphs — Scaled Bar Graphs, Pictographs, & Dot Plots —Task Cards
Use data analysis skills to analyze scaled bar graphs, pictographs, and dot plots with this set of task cards.
- Plus Plan
Pictograph and Bar Graph Match-Up (Single-Unit Intervals)
Use data analysis skills to match frequency tables with a corresponding bar graph or pictograph.
- Plus Plan
Graph It! Worksheet (Single-Unit Intervals)
Draw a single-unit picture graph and bar graph to represent data with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Analyzing Graphs – Single-Unit Bar Graphs & Pictographs – Task Cards
Use data analysis skills to analyze bar graphs and pictographs with this set of task cards.
- Plus Plan
Fall Count and Graph Worksheet
Practice counting and graphing with a Fall-themed count and graph worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Constitution Day Count and Graph Worksheet
Practice counting and graphing with a Constitution Day themed worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Veterans Day Count and Graph Worksheet
Practice counting and graphing with a Veteran’s Day worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Flag Day Count and Graph Worksheet
Practice counting objects with a Flag Day count and graph worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Columbus Day Count and Graph Worksheet
Practice counting objects with a Columbus Day count and graph worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Count and Graph Worksheet
Practice counting objects with a Halloween count and graph worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Cloud Graphing Activity
A worksheet to use when graphing cloud observations.