Compare and Order Whole Numbers Teaching Resources
Teach how to compare and order whole numbers this school year with printable worksheets, digital activities and more teacher-created resources.
Designed to help students understand the relative size of numbers and learn to arrange them in ascending or descending order, this collection of resources has everything you'll need to build your math lesson plans!
Is this your first year teaching students how to compare whole numbers and order them? Or perhaps you are just looking for some quick tips to help you plan? Read on for a primer from our teacher team, including a look at the different math comparison symbols!
What Is a Comparison Symbol in Math? A Kid-Friendly Explanation
Key to teaching kids how to compare numbers is an explanation of the different comparison symbols that they can use to represent the relationships between different whole numbers.
There are three main comparison symbols or signs that we use in math:
1. Greater Than Sign
The symbol > is known as the greater than sign in maths.
When the greater than sign is used to compare numbers, it tells us the number on the left is larger or greater than the number on the right.
2. Less Than Sign
The symbol < is known as the less than sign in math.
When we are comparing whole numbers, we can use the less than sign to show that the number on the left is smaller or less than the number on the right.
3. Equal Sign
The final sign or symbol used when comparing whole numbers is known as the equal sign, and it looks like this: =.
We use an equal sign to express that two numbers are exactly the same or equal to one another.
- Free Plan
Ordering Numbers Worksheets — Dot Day Caterpillar
Share these ordering numbers worksheets with your students to help them master sequencing numbers.
- Plus Plan
Number Ordering Worksheets (Dot-to-Dot)
Share these dot-to-dot number ordering worksheets with your students to give them an engaging way to practice ordering two and three digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Two-Digit Numbers — Clash! Board Game for 1st Grade
Practice comparing two-digit numbers with the help of this board game.
- Free Plan
Order Numbers From Least to Greatest Task Cards (Numbers 1 - 20)
Order numbers from least to greatest with these task cards for numbers 1 - 20.
- Plus Plan
5th Grade Math Review – Google Slides Interactive Activity
Review important 5th-grade math standards with a student-led interactive activity that covers 12 different mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
5th Grade Math Review – Test Prep Packet
Encourage your students to work through 8 pages of 5th-grade math problems while charting their progress to measure their success.
- Free Plan
Ordering Integers Activity — Task Cards
Introduce this ordering integers activity to your students to give them experience ordering positive and negative numbers.
- Plus Plan
Number Maze Worksheets (Ordering Numbers to 120)
Share these number maze worksheets with your students for a fun way to practice ordering numbers to 120 from least to greatest.
- Plus Plan
4-Digit Place Value Game - Interactive Review Activity
Review a variety of 3rd Grade place value standards with an engaging Google Slides Interactive Game!
- Plus Plan
Math Mazes (Place Value)
Determine the correct paths through each maze using knowledge of place value.
- Plus Plan
Greater/Less Than Crocodile Posters
Greater and less than can be easily confused, but Snappy uses visual representation to make it all so much clearer.
- Plus Plan
5-Digit Place Value Warm-Up - Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 44-slide interactive PowerPoint to use when learning about place value to 5-digits.
- Plus Plan
Math Maze for Kindergarten Worksheet Set (Ordering Numbers to 20)
Share this math maze for kindergarten worksheet set with your students to give them practice ordering numbers from least to greatest.
- Plus Plan
Comparing and Ordering Integers Worksheet Set
Integrate this comparing and ordering integers worksheet set into your unit on positive and negative numbers.
- Plus Plan
Base-10 Blocks - Pictorial Model Cards
A set of base-10 block cards to compose and decompose numbers, including decimals.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Integers – Word Problem Worksheet
Interpret word problems while comparing integers with this math worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Comparing 3-Digit Numbers - Self-Checking Interactive Activity
Practice comparing 3-digit numbers with this self-checking Google interactive activity.
- Free Plan
Comparing Three-Digit Numbers – Worksheet
Practice comparing 3-digit numbers with this hands-on worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Math Mazes (Skip Counting)
Skip count your way through 3 printable math mazes that focus on number sequencing.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Numbers Task Cards
Practice comparing whole numbers with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Whole Numbers Worksheet
A set of worksheets to practice comparing whole numbers.
- Free Plan
Positive and Negative Numbers - Worksheet
A set of worksheets to use when learning about positive and negative numbers.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Numbers Game — "Closer to You"
Play our comparing numbers game for a fun way to review comparing large numbers!
- Plus Plan
Ordering Large Numbers Worksheet Set
Share this ordering large numbers worksheet set with your students to evaluate their skill in ordering numbers from the thousands to the millions.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Numbers 1-10 "To the Moon!" Game
Play this ordering numbers 1-10 game with your students for a fun way to practice ordering numbers up to 10.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Numbers Game (Numbers 1 - 10)
Play this ordering numbers game for a fun way to increase student skill in ordering numbers 1 - 10.
- Plus Plan
Missing Number Hunt Activity (Ordering Numbers)
Use our number hunt activity to take your students on a hunt for missing numbers up to 120.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Numbers Cut-and-Paste Worksheets
Give students our ordering numbers cut and paste worksheets for a fun way to practice ordering numbers 1 through 100.
- Plus Plan
Kindergarten Math Flip Book (Ordering Numbers)
Delight your students with this math flip book that will help them solidify their understanding of counting and ordering the numbers 1 through 20.
- Plus Plan
Ordering 2-Digit Numbers Interactive Task Cards
Download our Ordering 2-Digit Numbers Interactive Task Cards for an engaging way to practice ordering numbers up to 120.
- Plus Plan
Sequencing Activities — Numbers 1 - 9 Sausage Dog
Use our sequencing activities like this sausage dog to help your students practice ordering the numbers 1 - 9.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Large Numbers Sorting Activity
Practice ordering large numbers with this easy-to-prepare sorting activity.
- Compare and Order Whole Numbers Worksheets
- Compare and Order Whole Numbers Games
- Compare and Order Whole Numbers for Kindergarten
- Compare and Order Whole Numbers for 1st Grade
- Compare and Order Whole Numbers for 2nd Grade
- Compare and Order Whole Numbers for 3rd Grade
- Compare and Order Whole Numbers for 4th Grade