Length Teaching Resources
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Converting Units of Length Worksheet Set
Download our converting units of length worksheet set to allow your students to demonstrate an understanding of decimal representations while converting units of metric length.
- Plus Plan
Metric Conversion Word Problems Worksheet Set
Assign our metric conversion word problems worksheet set to strengthen your students’ understanding of metric conversions.
- Plus Plan
Measuring to the Nearest 1/2 and 1/4 Inch Task Cards
Measure items to the nearest ½ and ¼ inch with this set of 20 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length with Clover Worksheet
Measure familiar objects using our lucky clover in this St Patrick’s Day math activity!
- Plus Plan
Metric Measurement Conversion Lesson Plan — Teaching Slides
Teach your students metric conversions with our metric measurement conversion lesson plan slides that are easy to download and use!
- Plus Plan
Measuring, Estimating, & Comparing Length Worksheets - 1st Grade
Use this printable set of measurement worksheets to Introduce your first graders to the concepts of measuring, comparing, and estimating length in nonstandard units.
- Plus Plan
Paper Airplane Challenge - Measuring Distance Performance Task
Practice measuring distance and have fun hosting a paper plane competition using a printable math investigation workbook.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length Interactive Task Cards
Practice measuring objects to the nearest inch, half-inch, and quarter inch with an engaging set of self-checking interactive task cards.
- Plus Plan
Using a Ruler - Anchor Charts
Discover how to use a ruler to measure in inches, feet, yards, and centimeters with a set of printable measurement anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Customary Measurement Conversion Chart Set
Use this customary measurement conversion chart pack as a handout or classroom poster for easy reference!
- Plus Plan
Metric Conversion Practice Worksheet Set — "Riddle Me!"
Laugh and learn with our metric conversion practice worksheet set that will give your students practice converting metric units of length, capacity, and mass.
- Plus Plan
Comparing and Ordering Length Task Cards (1-2)
Practice comparing and ordering the lengths of objects with a set of printable informal measurement task cards.
- Plus Plan
Length Word Problems - 2nd Grade Math Worksheet
Help your students relate addition and subtraction with length using a printable Measurement Word Problem Worksheet for 2nd grade.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Math Craft - Robot Template
Use a fun robot-themed math craft with your students when learning about measuring using a ruler.
- Plus Plan
How to Read a Ruler - Teaching Slides
Use an interactive teaching presentation to teach your students how to read a ruler to the nearest whole, half, and quarter-inch.
- Plus Plan
Measuring with Dinosaur Footprints - Hands-On Math Task
Engage your students in learning about informal measurement with a 'Dino-Mite' hands-on measurement activity in which they use dinosaur footprints to measure objects around the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Worksheets - 3rd & 4th Grade
Practice measuring length, volume, capacity, time, and more with a printable pack of 3rd grade measurement worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Identifying Units of Measurement Interactive Clip Cards
Identify whether objects should be measured in millimeters, centimeters, meters, or kilometers with interactive drag-and-drop clip cards.
- Plus Plan
Estimating Length Task Cards
Use printable Estimating Length Task Cards to practice making estimates of length in standard and metric units.
- Free Plan
Measuring My Body – Comparing Heights Activity
Explore linear measurement with an engaging collaborative activity where students measure different body parts and compare them
- Plus Plan
Measurement Escape Room (Customary System)
“Escape” the ordinary in your classroom with this measurement escape room that will engage your students while they practice customary conversions of length, weight, and capacity.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Conversion Games — Customary System Task Card Set
Download our measurement conversion games task card set to give your students many ways to practice converting between customary units of length, weight, and capacity.
- Plus Plan
Customary Measurement Conversion Worksheets
Download our customary measurement conversion worksheets to give your students the practice they need to master converting customary units of length, mass, and capacity.
- Plus Plan
Metric Conversion Activities — “Construction Conversions” Board Game
Introduce metric conversion activities like our “Construction Conversions” board game to help your students master conversions of metric length.
- Plus Plan
3rd Grade - Estimate and Measure Length Worksheets
Estimate and measure length in inches, feet, meters, and centimeters with a set of printable 3rd grade measurement worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length Drawing Challenge Worksheets
Make learning to use a centimeter ruler fun with an engaging set of Measurement Drawing Challenge Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Which Unit? 3rd Grade Measurement Worksheets
Determine which customary or metric unit of measurement should be used to measure objects with a set of printable measurement worksheets for 3rd Grade.
- Plus Plan
Choosing Units of Measurement - Length Worksheets (Differentiated)
Identify the unit of measurement needed to measure the length of an object with a pack of ‘Choosing Units of Measurement’ Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Math Center - Standard & Nonstandard Units
Create an easily differentiated measurement math center with a printable measurement task cards.
- Plus Plan
Reading a Tape Measure Task Cards
Practice reading a tape measure with a fun set of printable Reading a Measuring Tape task cards.
- Plus Plan
Length Measurement & Conversion - Differentiated Worksheets
Use differentiated metric measurement worksheets to practice identifying units, measuring, and converting metric units of length.
- Plus Plan
Know Your Measurement Conversions Interactive Game
Practice measurement conversions involving time, length, capacity, and volume with an exciting Know Your Measurement! Trivia Game!