Math Teaching Resources
- Plus Plan
Converting Time - Worksheet Pack
Download a set of Time Conversion printable worksheets to help your students convert between minutes, hours, days and weeks.
- Plus Plan
Unit Fractions Interactive Activity
Explore everything there is to know about unit fractions with your students using this engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Anchor Chart - Strategies
Teach your students how to tell elapsed time with multiple strategies using a printable Elapsed Time Anchor Chart.
- Plus Plan
Following Directions Worksheets - Reading a Clock Review
Practice telling time to the half-hour, quarter-hour, and five-minute mark with a pack of printable Following Directions worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Seasons, Days, & Months of the Year Spelling Worksheet
Spell the days of the week, months of the year, and the four seasons with a printable Spelling Homework sheet.
- Plus Plan
Unit Fractions Roll and Cover Activity
Explore unit fractions with this fun partner game for math rotations in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Unit Fractions Kaboom Game
Practice unit fractions with this fun whole class Kaboom card game.
- Plus Plan
Time Matching Game - Hour and Half Hour Ice Cream Cones
Create a math center to practice telling time to the hour and half hour with a printable ice cream themed time game for first grade.
- Plus Plan
Unit Fraction Donut Investigation
Explore unit fractions in this fun donut-themed math investigation for your students.
- Plus Plan
Days of the Week Spelling Worksheets
Use these Days of the Week Spelling worksheets to help your students practice reading, writing, and spelling the Days of the week.
- Plus Plan
Unit Fractions on a Number Line Worksheet
Practice plotting unit fractions on a number line using this worksheet for your students.
- Plus Plan
Unit Fraction Staircase Worksheet
Learn about different unit fractions with this staircase style worksheet for students.
- Free Plan
Icing Unit Fractions Worksheet
Explore unit fractions with your students using this fun donut-themed unit fraction worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Ways to Represent a Fraction Worksheet
Help students show the knowledge of how to represent different unit fractions with this set of unit fractions worksheets.
- Free Plan
Informal Times of Day - Kindergarten Time Worksheet
Help students learn about time with a set of printable Informal Times of Day worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Combinations of 10 and 20 Posters
Easily recognize combinations of 10 and combinations of 20 with this visual poster set.
- Plus Plan
3-Act Math Tasks - Time Conversion Worksheets
Practice problem-solving skills and time conversions with a printable pack of 3 Act Maths Task worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Converting Time Word Problems Worksheets
Develop problem solving skills set of printable multi-step time conversion worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Clock Reading Puzzles- Half-Hour
Practice reading analog clocks, digital clocks, and time in word form with a set of printable Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour Clock Puzzles.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time - Clocks to 5 Minutes Task Cards
Practice reading clocks to determine time to the nearest 5 minutes with a set of telling time task cards.
- Plus Plan
Comparing and Ordering Decimals Interactive Activity
Get students to compare and order decimals this grocery-themed interactive digital resource, perfect for lesson introductions and wrap-ups.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time With Analog Clocks – Worksheets
Determine how much time has passed with this collection of elapsed time worksheets.
- Plus Plan
4th Grade Elapsed Time Word Problems - Task Cards
Solve different types of elapsed time word problems with a set of printable 4th-grade Elapsed Time Task Cards.
- Plus Plan
Time and Elapsed Time - Task Cards
Solve a variety of time and elapsed time problems with a set of Elapsed Time to the Hour and Half-Hour task cards.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Interactive Word Problems Game
Practice solving elapsed time word problems with an interactive quiz game for 3rd and 4th graders.
- Plus Plan
Time to the Minute - Color by Code Worksheet
Review how to tell time to the minute with a fun Color By Code 3rd Grade math worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Task Cards - A.M. and P.M. Time
Help your students tell A.M. times from P.M. times with a set of 24 A.M./P.M. task cards.
- Plus Plan
A.M. and P.M. Matching Game
Identify what happens in the A.M. and P.M. times with a fun matching game.
- Plus Plan
Animal Coverings Teaching Slides
Discover animals with scales, shells, fur, and other body coverings with an interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Search and Find Bowerbird Worksheets
Explore images of bowerbirds and search, find and count objects that bowerbirds collect or bowerbirds themselves.
- Plus Plan
Days of the Week Mini Book
Create a Days of the Week Booklet to help your students identify, sequence and spell the days of the week.
- Plus Plan
Months of the Year Worksheets
Read, write, and spell the months of the year with a set of printable Months of the Year worksheets for kindergarten.