Measurement Games for Teachers
- Free Plan
Perimeter and Area Dice Game
Use this area and perimeter dice game as a math center activity when teaching area and perimeter to your 3rd and 4th graders.
- Free Plan
Roll and Cover – Telling Time to the Minute
Practice telling to the minute with this roll and cover game
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length Interactive Task Cards
Practice measuring objects to the nearest inch, half-inch, and quarter inch with an engaging set of self-checking interactive task cards.
- Plus Plan
Identifying Units of Measurement Interactive Clip Cards
Identify whether objects should be measured in millimeters, centimeters, meters, or kilometers with interactive drag-and-drop clip cards.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Escape Room (Customary System)
“Escape” the ordinary in your classroom with this measurement escape room that will engage your students while they practice customary conversions of length, weight, and capacity.
- Plus Plan
Roll and Write - Telling Time Dice Game
Practice telling time and have fun learning how to tell time with a Roll and Write Telling Time Dice Game!
- Free Plan
Selecting Units of Capacity – Measurement Game
Estimate the units needed to measure capacity with an Interactive Measurement Game!
- Plus Plan
Perimeter of Composite Shapes Interactive Activity
Get students to answer perimeter questions with this interactive digital resource, perfect for lesson introductions and wrap-ups.
- Free Plan
I Have, Who Has? - Time to the Minute
Practice telling time to the nearest minute with this set of “I Have, Who Has” game cards.
- Plus Plan
Customary Units of Mass Interactive Task Cards
Explore different customary units of mass with this set of interactive digital task cards.
- Plus Plan
5th Grade Math Review – Google Slides Interactive Activity
Review important 5th-grade math standards with a student-led interactive activity that covers 12 different mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
Interactive Area Puzzle (Squares and Rectangles)
Find the area of 16 shapes on the board and match the corresponding pieces to reveal a mystery picture.
- Plus Plan
Volume Game — BINGO!
Play our BINGO volume game with your students to give them engaging practice finding the volume of rectangular prisms.
- Plus Plan
Volume Escape Room
“Escape” ordinary volume activities with this engaging volume escape room that will have students solving volume challenges on a quest for a lost civilization.
- Plus Plan
Metric Conversion Activities — “Construction Conversions” Board Game
Introduce metric conversion activities like our “Construction Conversions” board game to help your students master conversions of metric length.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Capacity Escape Room
Explore measuring and comparing capacity in liters and milliliters with this measuring capacity escape room.
- Plus Plan
Customary Units Mass Measuring Interactive Activity
Practice the different customer units of mass with this engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Mass Digital Learning Activity
Practice measuring mass with this fun and engaging digital learning slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Area (Measuring Regular and Irregular Shapes) Interactive Activity
Assign this colorful area interactive activity in your next math class to help students practice measuring the area of regular and irregular shapes!
- Plus Plan
Perimeter Escape Room – The Mysterious Missing Cupcakes
Have your supersleuth students solve this perimeter escape room to find out who stole the missing cupcakes!
- Plus Plan
Time Dominoes - Half, Quarter, and Hour Intervals
Practice telling time to the nearest hour, quarter hour, or half hour by matching 32 analog and digital clock dominoes.
- Free Plan
Time Dominoes - Five Minute Intervals
Practice telling time to the nearest 5 minutes by matching 32 analog and digital clock dominoes.
- Plus Plan
Volume of Composite Figures Activity — Triple Match-Up!
Challenge your students with this volume of composite figures activity that will have them matching compound rectangular prisms with equations and volumes.
- Plus Plan
Volume Activities for Sixth Grade and Fifth Grade
Bring math to life with these volume activities for sixth grade and fifth grade students that will have them building prisms, going on a scavenger hunt, and estimating volumes!
- Plus Plan
Heavy vs. Light Soccer Match Board Game
Explore comparing the mass of objects with this fun and engaging weight game board for the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Measuring With Mass Interactive Task Cards
Explore how to measure mass with this fun and interactive set of digital task cards.
- Plus Plan
Estimating Length Game - Metric Units
Practice estimating length in metric units with this self-checking Google interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Measuring at the Movies – Informal Units Interactive
Practice measuring with informal units with an exciting movie-themed interactive drag-and-drop activity.
- Plus Plan
Know Your Measurement Conversions Interactive Game
Practice measurement conversions involving time, length, capacity, and volume with an exciting Know Your Measurement! Trivia Game!
- Plus Plan
Comparing Lengths – Measurement Game
Identify what is shorter or longer with an engaging interactive measurement game.
- Plus Plan
Interactive Days of the Week Math Game
Introduce your little learners to the days of the week and months of the year with a self-checking interactive Calendar Math Game.
- Plus Plan
Which Is Heavier? – Kindergarten Math Game
Have your students practice identifying heavier or lighter objects with an engaging “Which is Heavier" interactive game.