Measurement Teaching Resources for 2nd Grade
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Blank Digital and Analog Clock Templates
Practice writing the time in digital and analog form with this set of blank clock faces.
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Roll and Cover – Telling Time to the Minute
Practice telling to the minute with this roll and cover game
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Three Little Pigs Area Worksheet
A worksheet to practice finding area using square units.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Poster
Help your students learn to tell the time to the hour, half-hour, quarter, and minute with a printable Telling the Time anchor chart PDF.
- Free Plan
Classroom Clock Labels - Flower Time Petals
Use our Flower Wall Clock Labels to create a spring-themed display to help children read the time.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length Interactive Task Cards
Practice measuring objects to the nearest inch, half-inch, and quarter inch with an engaging set of self-checking interactive task cards.
- Plus Plan
Identifying Units of Measurement Interactive Clip Cards
Identify whether objects should be measured in millimeters, centimeters, meters, or kilometers with interactive drag-and-drop clip cards.
- Plus Plan
Using a Ruler - Anchor Charts
Discover how to use a ruler to measure in inches, feet, yards, and centimeters with a set of printable measurement anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Time to the Minute and Elapsed Time – Teaching Presentation
Practice telling time to the nearest minute and calculating elapsed time with this 18-slide teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Measuring, Estimating, & Comparing Length Worksheets - 1st Grade
Use this printable set of measurement worksheets to Introduce your first graders to the concepts of measuring, comparing, and estimating length in nonstandard units.
- Plus Plan
Roll and Write - Telling Time Dice Game
Practice telling time and have fun learning how to tell time with a Roll and Write Telling Time Dice Game!
- Plus Plan
Measurement Math Center - Standard & Nonstandard Units
Create an easily differentiated measurement math center with a printable measurement task cards.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Math Craft - Robot Template
Use a fun robot-themed math craft with your students when learning about measuring using a ruler.
- Plus Plan
Days of the Week Spelling Worksheets
Use these Days of the Week Spelling worksheets to help your students practice reading, writing, and spelling the Days of the week.
- Free Plan
Free Telling Time to the Minute - Worksheet Pack
Practice telling time to the minute by writing the digital time and drawing the hands on analog clocks.
- Free Plan
I Have, Who Has? - Time to the Minute
Practice telling time to the nearest minute with this set of “I Have, Who Has” game cards.
- Plus Plan
Comparing and Ordering Length Task Cards (1-2)
Practice comparing and ordering the lengths of objects with a set of printable informal measurement task cards.
- Plus Plan
Length Word Problems - 2nd Grade Math Worksheet
Help your students relate addition and subtraction with length using a printable Measurement Word Problem Worksheet for 2nd grade.
- Plus Plan
Paper Airplane Challenge - Measuring Distance Performance Task
Practice measuring distance and have fun hosting a paper plane competition using a printable math investigation workbook.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Area Using Informal Units Worksheets
Use this set of area worksheets to help your students practice measuring the area of regular and irregular shapes using informal (square) units.
- Free Plan
12-Hour Clock Template
A template for an interactive clock that displays hours, minutes, and wording.
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Blank Digital and Analog Clock - Worksheet
A worksheet to practice telling time.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length Drawing Challenge Worksheets
Make learning to use a centimeter ruler fun with an engaging set of Measurement Drawing Challenge Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Choosing Units of Measurement - Length Worksheets (Differentiated)
Identify the unit of measurement needed to measure the length of an object with a pack of ‘Choosing Units of Measurement’ Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Reading a Tape Measure Task Cards
Practice reading a tape measure with a fun set of printable Reading a Measuring Tape task cards.
- Plus Plan
Measuring with Dinosaur Footprints - Hands-On Math Task
Engage your students in learning about informal measurement with a 'Dino-Mite' hands-on measurement activity in which they use dinosaur footprints to measure objects around the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Length Vocabulary Poster Pack
Explain the concept of length and review related vocabulary with a printable measurement anchor chart.
- Plus Plan
Build a Calendar - Following Instructions Worksheets
Practice following directions and using a calendar with a pack of 12 printable calendar worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Time in Minutes - Math Maze Worksheets
Tell time to the nearest minute while finding your way through this set of 2nd/3rd Grade Telling Time to the Minute Math mazes.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Story Problem Comprehension Pack
Practice reading comprehension and telling time skills with a printable pack of Telling Time Math Story Worksheets.
- Free Plan
Parts of a Clock Anchor Chart
Familiarize students with the analog clock face, hands and other parts of a clock with a printable poster created for the primary classroom.
- Plus Plan
Area (Measuring Regular and Irregular Shapes) Interactive Activity
Assign this colorful area interactive activity in your next math class to help students practice measuring the area of regular and irregular shapes!