Measurement Teaching Resources for 5th Grade
- Free Plan
Converting Units of Length Worksheet Set
Download our converting units of length worksheet set to allow your students to demonstrate an understanding of decimal representations while converting units of metric length.
- Free Plan
Finding Volume of Rectangular Prisms Worksheet
Share our finding volume of rectangular prisms worksheet with students to give them the practice they need in a fun “this” or “that” format.
- Plus Plan
5th Grade Math Review – Test Prep Packet
Encourage your students to work through 8 pages of 5th-grade math problems while charting their progress to measure their success.
- Plus Plan
Metric Conversion Word Problems Worksheet Set
Assign our metric conversion word problems worksheet set to strengthen your students’ understanding of metric conversions.
- Plus Plan
Area And Perimeter Word Problem Task Cards
Use these area and perimeter task cards in your math centers to give your students practice solving real-world word problems.
- Plus Plan
Differentiated Volume of Rectangular Prism Worksheet Set
Differentiate instruction with this volume of rectangular prism worksheet set that offers three levels of volume problems.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Escape Room (Customary System)
“Escape” the ordinary in your classroom with this measurement escape room that will engage your students while they practice customary conversions of length, weight, and capacity.
- Plus Plan
Metric Conversion Practice Worksheet Set — "Riddle Me!"
Laugh and learn with our metric conversion practice worksheet set that will give your students practice converting metric units of length, capacity, and mass.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Math Craft - Robot Template
Use a fun robot-themed math craft with your students when learning about measuring using a ruler.
- Plus Plan
Metric Measurement Conversion Lesson Plan — Teaching Slides
Teach your students metric conversions with our metric measurement conversion lesson plan slides that are easy to download and use!
- Plus Plan
Converting Customary Units of Length Worksheet Set
Review measurement concepts with our customary length conversion worksheet set that provides practice converting among four units of length.
- Plus Plan
Animal Shelter Operations - Metric Conversion Math Task
Bring metric conversions into the real world with an engaging Animal Shelter Metric Conversions Math Task.
- Free Plan
Measurement Conversions - Length – Worksheet
Use ratio reasoning to practice converting length measurements with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
5th Grade Geometry Test
Assess your students' skills with quadrilaterals, coordinate grids, and volume of solid figures using a printable 5th Grade Geometry Test.
- Plus Plan
5th Grade Math Review – Google Slides Interactive Activity
Review important 5th-grade math standards with a student-led interactive activity that covers 12 different mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
Build Your Own Theme Park – Project
A STEM project embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Converting Units of Length - Math Mazes
Strengthen measurement conversion skills while converting units of length with this set of math mazes.
- Plus Plan
Area Worksheets
Practice finding the area of different shapes with this set of 4 worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Volume Word Problems 5th Grade Worksheet Set
Reinforce concepts of volume with this volume word problems 5th grade worksheet set full of real-world situations.
- Plus Plan
Volume Game — BINGO!
Play our BINGO volume game with your students to give them engaging practice finding the volume of rectangular prisms.
- Plus Plan
Volume Escape Room
“Escape” ordinary volume activities with this engaging volume escape room that will have students solving volume challenges on a quest for a lost civilization.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Conversion Games — Customary System Task Card Set
Download our measurement conversion games task card set to give your students many ways to practice converting between customary units of length, weight, and capacity.
- Plus Plan
Customary Units of Capacity Worksheets
Use these customary units of capacity worksheets to give your students the practice they need converting among cups, pints, quarts, and gallons.
- Plus Plan
Customary Measurement Conversion Chart Set
Use this customary measurement conversion chart pack as a handout or classroom poster for easy reference!
- Plus Plan
Customary Measurement Conversion Worksheets
Download our customary measurement conversion worksheets to give your students the practice they need to master converting customary units of length, mass, and capacity.
- Plus Plan
Metric Conversion Activities — “Construction Conversions” Board Game
Introduce metric conversion activities like our “Construction Conversions” board game to help your students master conversions of metric length.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Capacity Escape Room
Explore measuring and comparing capacity in liters and milliliters with this measuring capacity escape room.
- Plus Plan
Finding the Area of Composite Shapes Task Cards
Calculate the area of rectilinear shapes with a set of Finding the Area of Composite Shapes Task Cards for 5th Grade and 6th Grade.
- Plus Plan
Length Measurement & Conversion - Differentiated Worksheets
Use differentiated metric measurement worksheets to practice identifying units, measuring, and converting metric units of length.
- Plus Plan
Length Vocabulary Poster Pack
Explain the concept of length and review related vocabulary with a printable measurement anchor chart.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Test
Assess your students' abilities to determine elapsed time to the whole, half, and quarter-hour with a printable Elapsed Time Test.
- Free Plan
Units of Measurement Word Wall Vocabulary
Print a pack of measurement vocabulary cards to help your students review academic vocabulary.