Measurement Worksheets for Teachers
- Plus Plan
When Does It Happen? Worksheet
A cut and paste activity where students order familiar daily events.
- Plus Plan
Customary Conversion Dominoes
A domino activity to practice customary conversions
- Plus Plan
Volume of Three-Dimensional Objects Worksheets
Use this set of 3 volume worksheets when students need to practice solving using the volume formula.
- Plus Plan
Area and Perimeter Word Problems
Get students to solve area and perimeter word problems with this set of three worksheets for 3rd and 4th grade.
- Free Plan
Comparing and Ordering Volume Worksheet
A worksheet that explores the concept of volume.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Volume Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring the concept of volume.
- Plus Plan
Measuring the Area of a Desktop - Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring the concept of measuring area with informal units.
- Plus Plan
Which Objects Have Capacity? - Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring the concept of capacity.
- Plus Plan
Measuring, Comparing, and Ordering Capacity – Worksheet
A worksheet that explores the concept of capacity using informal units of measurement.
- Plus Plan
Metric Conversion Dominoes
A domino activity to practice metric conversions.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time to the Hour and Half-Hour - Worksheet
Practice telling time to the half-hour with a fun set of printable Telling Time Worksheets for 1st grade.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time to the Nearest 5 Minutes - Worksheet
A worksheet to practice telling time to the nearest 5 minutes.
- Plus Plan
Analog Clock Features
Students create their own analog clock by cutting and pasting the parts of an analog clock on a template.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Worksheets - Quarter Hours
Tell and write time to the nearest quarter hour and half hour with printable telling time cut and paste worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Clock Reading & Elapsed Time Quiz
Assess your students' knowledge of telling time to the minute and working with elapsed time with this Clock Reading, Conversions, and Elapsed Time test.
- Plus Plan
4th and 5th Grade Concepts of Time Assessment
Assess your students' knowledge of elapsed time, reading schedules, and reading timelines with a Concepts of Time Test.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Mass with Informal Units Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring mass and how to measure it with informal units.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Area Using Arrays
A worksheet to use when exploring the concept of measuring area using arrays.
- Plus Plan
Measuring the Area of a Robot with Informal Units - Worksheet
A worksheet to use when measuring area with informal square units.
- Plus Plan
Volume Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring the concept of volume.
- Plus Plan
Liquid Volume Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring the concept of liquid volume.