Board Games for Teachers
This collection of board games resources includes a variety of fun and engaging board games for students to play in the classroom. These educational board games cover a range of Literacy, Numeracy and History topics and are ideal to use as a group activity at the end of a unit of work to help consolidate student learning.
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We're Going On a Shape Hunt! Graphing Game
Consolidate students' knowledge of 2D shapes while teaching about data collection, recording and graphing!
- Plus Plan
Word Sleuth - Context Clues Game
Play ‘Word Sleuth’, a context clues game for upper elementary students to help improve vocabulary skills.
- Free Plan
Rounding Games for 4th Graders — Race Up the Rounding Ladder!
Challenge your students with one of our many rounding games for 4th graders — Race Up the Rounding Ladder!
- Free Plan
Bump! Subtraction to 10 Math Game
Practice subtraction facts to 10 with a fun printable subtraction board game.
- Plus Plan
Prefixes Vocab Game
Play a Prefixes Vocab Game to help your students discover the important and meaning behind the prefixes un-, re-, mis-, and de-
- Plus Plan
Perpendicular and Parallel Lines Activity — Board Game
Play this perpendicular and parallel lines activity with your students to give them practice identifying line types in a variety of settings.
- Plus Plan
Doubles - Number Facts Board Game
Practice the doubles addition strategy with this board game.
- Plus Plan
Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives Board Game
A board game to help introduce the concept of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Choices and Consequences Board Game
Encourage your students to think about the choices they make with this printable SEL board game.
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Printable Christmas Game - Journey to The North Pole
Inspire silly holiday fun with a printable Christmas Board Game for Kids!
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'AY' Diphthong Vowel Team Board Game
Decode words with the ay long vowel team in this board game.
- Plus Plan
Counting On Cover Up Game
Practice the counting-on strategy with this engaging cover-the-board game.
- Plus Plan
Naming Number Patterns – Board Game
Identify the rule or missing numbers from an input-output table, number sequence, or word problem with this number patterns board game.
- Plus Plan
Subject-Verb Stomp! Verb Agreement Board Game
Use this subject-verb agreement game as a fun and collaborative way of teaching the fundamentals of correct sentence structure.
- Plus Plan
BUMP! Contractions - Board Game
A board game to practice making contractions using apostrophes.
- Plus Plan
Long and Short Vowel Sounds Board Game
Practice distinguishing between long and short vowel sounds with this set of 36 picture cards and vowel sound game board.
- Free Plan
What's Remaining? - Long Division Board Game
A game to play to when learning to solve long division involving remainders.
- Free Plan
Snakes and Ladders Game Board Template
Create a fun activity for any subject area with this black-and-white board game template.
- Plus Plan
Oral Language Barrier Games
Use these Oral Language Barrier Games to develop oral language skills in the early years.
- Plus Plan
Metric Conversion Activities — “Construction Conversions” Board Game
Introduce metric conversion activities like our “Construction Conversions” board game to help your students master conversions of metric length.
- Plus Plan
Rounding Numbers Game (Whole Numbers)
Play our engaging rounding numbers game in your classroom to give your students practice rounding whole numbers.
- Plus Plan
Letter Sounds Games - Four in a Row
Practice applying letter-sound correspondence with 26 picture cards, 26 letter cards, and a beginning letter sounds picture game board.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Printable Games for 2nd Grade
Help your students learn to tell time to the 5 minutes with this set of six printable Telling the Time games for 2nd grade.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Board Game - 1st Grade Punctuation
Engage students by having them play a Christmas board game, refining their abilities to use correct punctuation at the end of sentences.
- Plus Plan
Road to High Self-Esteem Board Game
Help students understand what self-esteem is and how to boost their own self-esteem with this board game.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting by 2,3,4,5 and 10 Board Game
Have students correctly answer problems involving skip counting and multiplication to be the first to lay down 4 game pieces in a row!
- Plus Plan
Addition Strategy Spin Game
Have some fun all while practicing different addition strategies with this fun classroom game.
- Plus Plan
Friendship Fun! Board Game
Disucss characteristics of healthy friendships as well as how to repair relationships with a fun and engaging board game.
- Plus Plan
Playing with Prefixes Board Game
Practice building and using words with common prefixes with a fun prefix board game.
- Plus Plan
Converting Units of Length – Board Game
Engage your students with a lively board game while practicing how to convert customary and metric units of length.
- Plus Plan
Past and Present Communication Board Game
A fun and engaging board game to reinforce students' understanding of past and present communication devices.
- Plus Plan
Snakes and Ladders Game - Hundreds Chart
Complete each hundreds chart by putting the missing numbered pieces into place to play a game of Snakes and Ladders.