Match different representations of numbers 0 to 20.
Use this resource when teaching students to represent whole numbers from 0 to 20 in different forms.
The number forms include:
- Standard form
- Written form
- Dots
- Pictorial model
Print the cards on cardstock and cut them out. Then, use them in a variety of ways, including:
- As a math center activity – students match the cards together by number
- As a ‘Go Fish’ game where the four number representations form a book
- As a random group generator – give each student a card. When they find their matches, they have their group of 4
- As a memory game – using a small number of cards, lay them facedown in a grid. Students turn over two cards. If they match (any of the number representations) they keep the cards. If not, they flip them back over. This can be played individually, with a partner or small group, or as a whole class
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