teaching resource

Fine and Gross Motor Development Checklists

  • Updated

    Updated:  14 Jun 2024

Use a printable Fine and Gross Motor Development Checklist to easily and effectively note concerns about a student’s motor skills.

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    Editable:  Google Slides

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    Pages:  1 Page

teaching resource

Fine and Gross Motor Development Checklists

  • Updated

    Updated:  14 Jun 2024

Use a printable Fine and Gross Motor Development Checklist to easily and effectively note concerns about a student’s motor skills.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

Use a printable Fine and Gross Motor Development Checklist to easily and effectively note concerns about a student’s motor skills.

What are Fine and Gross Motor Skills? 

Fine motor skills involve the coordination of small muscles, such as those in the hands and fingers, which are essential for writing, cutting with scissors, and buttoning clothes. Gross motor skills involve larger muscle groups for running, jumping, and climbing.

As a teacher, you meet students of all types at all ability levels, and every student is at a unique developmental stage. However, sometimes, you meet students who need help with even the most basic skills, such as gripping a pencil, balancing on one foot, or walking a straight line. In this case, it’s time to be concerned. 

How Do I Express Concern for a Student’s Fine and Gross Motor Development?

Often, referrals and evaluations for students with limitations in fine and gross motor skills occur early in the IEP referral process. When this happens, special education coordinators often look to you, the teacher, to make note of any concerns and observations you may have on a particular student. In this case, you need an easy and thorough way to identify and record anecdotal information regarding the student. That’s where we come in!

Grab Your Fine and Gross Motor Development Checklists!

This printable resource includes two templates that are perfect for making observations and expressing concerns about a student’s fine or gross motor development. There are two templates, one for fine motor skills and another for gross motor skills. To use these templates, simply check off the skills you observe a student struggling with and record any anecdotal notes that you can concerning your observations. 

Once completed, you will have an effective, thorough, and organized way to express your concerns and initiate early interventions for struggling students.

This resource is available as a fully editable Google Slides document and a quick-print PDF file. Click the dropdown arrow on the download button to select your preferred file.

This resource was created by Brittany Collins, a teacher in Indiana and Teach Starter collaborator.

Want to Help? Grab These Fine Motor Skills Activities, Too!

Get started with immediate interventions to help your struggling students with these engaging and effective fine motor skill development resources, too!

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