Math 5.4(H)
represent and solve problems related to perimeter and/or area and related to volume.
- Free Plan
Finding Volume of Rectangular Prisms Worksheet
Share our finding volume of rectangular prisms worksheet with students to give them the practice they need in a fun “this” or “that” format.
- Plus Plan
5th Grade Math Review – Test Prep Packet
Encourage your students to work through 8 pages of 5th-grade math problems while charting their progress to measure their success.
- Plus Plan
Area Worksheets
Practice finding the area of different shapes with this set of 4 worksheets.
- Plus Plan
5th Grade Math Review – Google Slides Interactive Activity
Review important 5th-grade math standards with a student-led interactive activity that covers 12 different mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
Volume Escape Room
“Escape” ordinary volume activities with this engaging volume escape room that will have students solving volume challenges on a quest for a lost civilization.
- Plus Plan
Finding the Area of Composite Shapes Task Cards
Calculate the area of rectilinear shapes with a set of Finding the Area of Composite Shapes Task Cards for 5th Grade and 6th Grade.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter and Area Poster
A poster that explains and compares the concepts of perimeter and area.
- Plus Plan
Volume Word Problems – Task Cards
Present these volume word problems task cards to your students to give them practice solving volume problems with real-world context!
- Plus Plan
Volume of Composite Figures Activity — Triple Match-Up!
Challenge your students with this volume of composite figures activity that will have them matching compound rectangular prisms with equations and volumes.
- Plus Plan
Matching Volume Activity
Provide your students with this matching volume activity to give them practice finding the volume of objects they see in the real world.
- Plus Plan
Mixed Operations - Length Word Problems Worksheets
Solve multi-step length word problems with a printable pack of 3-act Math Word Problem Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Area Formula for 2D Shapes Anchor Chart
Display this math poster showing the area formula for different 2D shapes during your geometry lessons.
- Plus Plan
Area and Perimeter Haunted House Project
Design your own haunted house and practice finding the perimeter and area of rectangular figures with an exciting Halloween Math Activity!
- Plus Plan
Halloween Area and Perimeter Color by Number Worksheet
Use these Halloween color-by-number worksheets to practice identifying the perimeter and area of regular polygons.
- Plus Plan
Up, Up, & Away! Volume of Rectangular Prisms – Google Slides Interactive Activity
Practice calculating the volume of rectangular prisms with this Google Slides interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Volume of Composite Solids Google Slide Interactive Activity
Break out this volume of composite solids google slide interactive activity to challenge your students with nine levels of volume-finding fun!
- Plus Plan
Number Talks for Teaching Volume (Task Cards)
Build understanding of volume in 5th or 6th grade with this set of 26 number talks task cards.
- Plus Plan
Area of 2D Shapes — Poster Set
Use this set of posters to teach how to find the area of 2D shapes.
- Plus Plan
Area Worksheets (Metric Units)
Use this set of three measurement math worksheets to help your students understand the concept of measuring area in metric units.
- Plus Plan
Volume Word Problems 5th Grade Worksheet Set
Reinforce concepts of volume with this volume word problems 5th grade worksheet set full of real-world situations.
- Plus Plan
Differentiated Volume of Rectangular Prism Worksheet Set
Differentiate instruction with this volume of rectangular prism worksheet set that offers three levels of volume problems.
- Plus Plan
Volume With Decimals Worksheets
Provide these volume with decimals worksheets to your students to give them practice calculating volume and multiplying decimals.
- Plus Plan
Volume Game — BINGO!
Play our BINGO volume game with your students to give them engaging practice finding the volume of rectangular prisms.
- Plus Plan
Volume of a Rectangular Prism Activity — Mini-Book
Use our volume of a rectangular prism activity book to teach your students concepts of volume.
- Plus Plan
Volume Practice Problems — Interactive Activity
Give students our engaging volume practice problems interactive activity to present them with a variety of volume problems in eight different challenges.
- Plus Plan
Volume Activities for Sixth Grade and Fifth Grade
Bring math to life with these volume activities for sixth grade and fifth grade students that will have them building prisms, going on a scavenger hunt, and estimating volumes!
- Plus Plan
Volume of Composite Shapes Worksheet (Metric System)
Reinforce essential concepts of volume with our volume of composite shapes worksheet full of real-world scenarios using the metric system.
- Plus Plan
Length Measurement & Conversion - Differentiated Worksheets
Use differentiated metric measurement worksheets to practice identifying units, measuring, and converting metric units of length.
- Plus Plan
Build Your Own Theme Park – Project
A STEM project embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Volume of Composite Rectangular Prisms – Worksheet
Calculate the volume of composite figures and solve real-world problems with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Upper Elementary Mathematics Vocabulary Posters - Resource Pack
A collection of educational posters that define mathematical concepts and provide a list of related terms.