Addition Teaching Resources
Introduce addition this school year with printable worksheets, digital activities, adding games, addition word problems, flashcards and more to help students understand how to add numbers and apply addition strategies to math problems.
This teaching resource collection was created by the teachers on the Teach Starter team for elementary teachers. Each of the curriculum-aligned resources has been carefully reviewed and curated by our expert teachers to make sure it's ready to use with your students! Browse printables and digital activities for teaching students how to make 10, how to add integers and more, plus find differentiated resources to help you meet each student's needs!
New to teaching addition, or just looking for new ways to engage your students? Read on for a primer from our teacher team, including a kid-friendly definition and some common vocabulary!
What Is Addition? A Kid-Friendly Definition
Let's start with a definition of this math operation that's easy for them to understand!
Addition is a math operation that involves combining two or more numbers to find a total. The symbol (+) is used to indicate addition, and this is called a plus sign.
Here's an example of addition at work!
In the equation 2 + 3 = 5, the numbers 2 and 3 are added together to get a sum of 5.
Addition Terms for Kids to Learn
There are plenty of new vocabulary words for your students to learn when introducing addition. Here are some of the terms you will want to start off with.
The sum is the result of adding two or more numbers. It's the solution or answer to an addition problem!
In the equation 2 + 3 = 5, 5 is the sum.
The numbers being added in an addition equation are called addends.
In the equation 2 + 3 = 5, for example, both 2 and 3 are addends.
Commutative Property
The commutative property states that changing the order of the addends in your addition problem does not change the sum.
For example, 2 + 3 is the same as 3 + 2.
Associative Property
The associative property states that changing the grouping of the addends in your math problem will not change the sum.
For example, (2 + 3) + 4 is the same as 2 + (3 + 4).
Repeated Addition
Sometimes a math problem involves adding the same number multiple times. We call this repeated addition, and it's a way to find the product of two numbers where one of the numbers is repeated a certain number of times.
Repeated addition is handy for helping students understand multiplication. After all, multiplication can be thought of as repeated addition.
Cartoon plus sign
What Is Partial Sums Addition?
If you know what a sum is, you're halfway to understanding partial sums addition! This math vocabulary term refers to adding two or more numbers by breaking apart the addends and adding the value of the digits in each place value position from right to left.
This handy strategy is great to use with students when they are first learning to add two or more numbers. Partial sums addition breaks down the process of addition into smaller, more manageable steps.
Let's look at an example.
If you have the 36 + 27 and want to use partial sums addition, you start by determining the value of the digits in the ones place, adding them together, and writing down the sum (6 + 7 = 13).
Next, add the value of the tens place digits together (30 + 20 = 50), and write down the answer under the previous sum. Add together the two partial sums to get your answer, 63.
- Plus Plan
Adding within 1,000 Expanded Form Worksheet
Practice using the break apart strategy by working through this addition worksheet.
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Break Apart Addition Strategy Interactive Activity
Practice using the addition break apart strategy with this fun interactive activity.
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Addition and Subtraction Word Problems - Match Game
Practice reading, modeling, and solving addition and subtraction word problems with a matching activity.
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Addition on a Number Line - Jump Strategy Slide Deck
Teach your students to add two-digit numbers using the jump strategy with an instructional teaching presentation.
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Kindergarten Math Review - Easter Worksheets
Practice various Kindergarten math concepts with a pack of Easter worksheets.
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"Egg-cellent" Easter Addition Activity
Practice simple addition with this Easter math center.
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Secret Code Number Line - Worksheet
Crack the number line code with five number line codebreaker worksheets to practice number identification, addition, and subtraction.
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Jump Strategy - Number Line Addition Worksheet
Practice adding two-digit numbers with regrouping using a number line and the jump strategy with a printable number line worksheet.
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Counting On Cover Up Game
Practice the counting-on strategy with this engaging cover-the-board game.
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Addition and Subtraction Within 20 – Worksheet
Use this worksheet with your students when exploring addition and subtraction within 20.
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Mixed Operations Minute Math Booklet (Lower-Level Version)
Jump into your math lessons with this ten-page mental math booklet covering the four operations and number patterns.
- Plus Plan
Addition Strategies: Make a Ten Worksheet
A 2-page worksheet that uses ten frames to model the “making ten” addition strategy.
- Plus Plan
Friends of... 1 to 10 - Black and White Version
A set of 10 posters showing the different combinations to make the numbers 1 to 10.
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Double Bubble – Doubling Game
Practice the doubles addition strategy with this fun board game.
- Free Plan
Doubles Plus One - Worksheet
Practice the doubles plus one addition strategy with this one-page worksheet.
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Addition and Subtraction Worksheets for Kindergarten
Share these addition and subtraction worksheets for kindergarten with your students to give them practice adding and subtracting with a wide variety of representations.
- Plus Plan
Addition Strategy: Counting On – Worksheet
Practice the “counting on” addition strategy to solve addition problems to 20.
- Free Plan
Ten Frame Printable Templates
Use these printable ten frames in various math lessons to reinforce number sense and other essential skills.
- Plus Plan
Simple Addition Riddle Worksheet
Download this simple addition worksheet to provide your students with practice adding one- and two-digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Combinations of 10 and 20 Posters
Easily recognize combinations of 10 and combinations of 20 with this visual poster set.
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Addition Algorithm PowerPoint Presentation
Use this editable interactive teaching presentation with your students when explaining how to use the addition algorithm with regrouping.
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Thanksgiving Escape Room - The Stolen Feast
Play a Thanksgiving Escape Room game and practice two-and-three digit addition for holiday fun!
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Thanksgiving Math Tales - Kindergarten Math Problems
Solve story problems using models with a Thanksgiving Story Problem interactive activity for kindergarten.
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Break Apart Strategy Interactive PowerPoint
Learn all about the break apart strategy with this teaching PowerPoint.
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Part Part Whole Word Problem Task Cards and Worksheet
Explore these animal-themed part-part-whole word problems that will open discussions with your young mathematicians.
- Plus Plan
Addition Strategy Mats
Practice using a variety of addition strategies to add 2-digit numbers.
- Free Plan
Making Ten Activity
Practice making 10 using objects, pictorial models, and number sentences with this activity mat.
- Plus Plan
Missing Addend to 10 Flashcards
Practice all the ways to make ten with this set of flashcards.
- Plus Plan
Addition Strategy Spin Game
Have some fun all while practicing different addition strategies with this fun classroom game.
- Plus Plan
Double-Digit Addition Strategies Posters
Remind your students to use different addition strategies with a set of printable two-digit addition strategies.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Double Digit Addition Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy Addition Worksheet Pack
Practice using the jump strategy with this worksheet set.