Geography Teaching Resources
Have you been searching the world (wide web) for printable US and world geography worksheets and digital teaching resources this school year? Get ready to dive into a collection of curriculum-aligned resources created by teachers and rigorously reviewed by the expert teachers on the Teach Starter team!
Meet Common Core and state-level standards with printable and digital resources designed with your lesson plans and students in mind.
Our geography resource collection takes kids of all ages on an educational journey that includes key geographic concepts such as learning cardinal directions, understanding the difference between longitude and latitude, and how to identify the 7 continents, and the 5 oceans. With fun puzzles, map skill worksheets, and teacher created-student-approved resources, students will quickly learn to embrace the world around them with our geography printables.
Geography for Kids Teaching Resources
This collection includes a large selection of map skill resources such as:
- printable world map
- free map skills worksheets
- geography board games
- assessment pieces
- free geography brochure templates
- comprehension texts
- coordinate grid worksheets
- and more!
Within this geography category, you will also find resources that support the teaching of the sub-strands, which includes:
- countries
- environments
- flags
- world landmarks
- reading and labeling maps
- me-on-the-map activities
- landform identification activities